
We are living in an era where technology is progressing and being updated moment by moment. The high speed of changes in the field of information technology and the introduction of new technologies have caused that commercial companies and especially new startups active in the field of technology cannot keep up with these changes on their own. In this situation, the way to save businesses is networking, creating networks of influential actors and moving together.In recent years, Mashhad, as one of the technology poles in the country, has played a significant role in creating this ecosystem. But this is not the whole story. Building an architecture is a difficult task, but maintaining and improving its quality level is more difficult and complicated. Every indigenous life and in every field needs meritocracy and an independent view of politics and the employment of efficient forces.

On the other hand, the ecosystem of creativity and innovation can clearly play an important role in improving urban management. This area can help to create smart solutions to solve city problems such as traffic management, waste management, optimization of energy consumption, etc. Also, the ecosystem of creativity and innovation can help the economic development of cities; Creating entrepreneurial spaces, supporting startups and small and medium-sized companies, encouraging investment in emerging industries, and establishing connections between industry, university, and government are among the activities that can contribute to economic development. Companies active in the field of information technology and technology ecosystem play a key role in this development, and new startups are full of new ideas and thoughts. But in this current ecosystem, they are less visible and are rejected by some managers.

New startups need support and visibility. Unfortunately, one of our basic challenges based on experience in recent years has been the short-term view of the country’s managers. Placement of non-specialists in key and strategic roles, lack of planning and drawing vision, lack of access to open data, insular and tasteful software infrastructure, insisting on traditional thinking in development and many other reasons, any system It leads to instability and destruction, and Mashhad’s innovation ecosystem is no exception to this rule, so you have to be careful. As long as the actors of the ecosystem of innovation are chosen based on political and religious thinking and any other criteria except meritocracy, we must witness the migration of our children outside the borders.

Obviously, in the field of urban management, we need to design and develop powerful infrastructures that, in the first place, have the ability to store data anywhere in the city, and in the second place, access to this data for all start-up companies and even independent university researchers. be


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